5 Things to know about Adult Adoptions

Most people know the basic details about adoption. Specifically, adopting a child. There’s a large number of reasons that a parent or parents might have to adopt an infant or someone who is underage (i.e. not legally an adult). But, if you’re reading this article you might be wondering. What’s an Adult Adoption? What’s the process behind it and what do I need to know about it? As with most legal processes, it’s best to leave the paperwork and court representation to be left to a qualified and trained professional. If you’re looking to adopt an adult and want to find out about how the Edwards Law Group can help you, click here to schedule a consultation.

Just like the adoption of a person under 18, adults can have many reasons toward adopting another adult. And, just like the process of adopting a child can take some time and be met with a lot of paperwork and legal processes, so can the adult adoption process be. An adult might go through with adopting another adult for many reasons. Step-children can solidify their parent-child relationship in the eyes of the law through this process. Sometimes godchildren are adopted by their godparents, and foster children can also consider this process for their foster parents. So, what are some things to consider when beginning this process?

10 Year Age Difference

In most cases, the person being adopted must be at least 10 years younger than the parent adopting them. Now, of course, there are situations where two people might not meet this often used criteria. What’s to say a person who is 9 years older cannot adopt another person if they both consent and they’re both legal adults. That’s why we say that most cases follow this 10-year rule, but it is not set in stone. To get through these details and roadblocks you need to contact an attorney like those at the Edwards Law Group. Our firm works hard to help families in need and we can help you and your family manage these situations and find ways around them. 

Is The Process Easier?

In many ways, the process of adopting an adult is a lot easier than that of adopting an infant or someone under 18. How come? Well, the courts are much less inclined to ferociously try and protect an adult than a child. This is not to say that the courts are not looking out for the best interests of those involved but in the court’s eyes an adult has much more power to protect themselves and look out for their best interests than say a young child. So, adult adoptions can be a lot smoother and quicker than adopting a person who is not an adult. In many cases, once the adult child has submitted the paperwork and has consented to the adoption the court simply has to order a decree of adoption. The crucial detail here is the paperwork. One of the biggest benefits of retaining a family law firm is that the process is made smoother for you and the person adopting. Without the guidance given by a qualified legal professional, you can get bogged down in paperwork and crucial details and information.

If you are considering adopting an adult or if you are an adult considering adopting another adult, contact us today. We have years of results-driven experience and we have the compassion and knowledge to take on your case and help you and your family.