Is Your Marriage Like Death By A Thousand Cuts
How Painful Is Your Marriage?
You know when you hear something or you read something that really just resonates with you?
I’ve read this piece of poetry that one of my friends wrote, and it literally sent chills down my spine because it put on paper what so many of my clients come in and they talk to us about their life up until the point where they’ve pulled the trigger to say it’s okay to be divorced. So I want to share her poetry with you because there’s going to be some of you who this describes perfectly where you are now, what you’ve endured, and how you step into the new change that you’re going to make for your life. Here we go.
“Death by a thousand cuts”
There are many ways your spirits can die.
And one of the worst ways is a death by a thousand cuts because you don’t even know you’re dying. Each cut is so slight, you can barely feel it. I suspect you were at least once surprised one day to find blood on your desk or clothes only to find you’ve cut yourself. And only when you see the cut do you feel the sting. This is death by a thousand cuts. You don’t even know that your spirit is dying, or that you’re even in pain, but you shrink, you hide, and you wilt anyhow.
And one day, you look in the mirror and you find someone you don’t even recognize looking back at you. This is death by a thousand cuts. But you are too numb to even know why your reflection is a stranger. You’ll go mad before you even see the wounds or feel the stings.
But one day an event will trigger you to see and force you to feel. And you’ll see all the cuts and the slow death that has been brought upon you. At that point, you’ll have 2 choices. Either accept death. Or burn everything to the ground and choose to live.
Which of you out there is living, existing, but going through death by a thousand cuts?
Take yourself out of the pain. This is the place. This is the time where you burn everything to the ground.”
Looking For Freedom?
To get your freedom, get out of that marriage, and really start living. Give us a call. We can help you.
One last thing. There’s this jewelry store in Atlanta that just invokes more, as in, you’re worth more. And that’s the name of the jewelry store. This piece and other fabulous pieces comes from them. And when I walk into the store, when I interact with them, it absolutely reminds me—
and I would love for it to remind you too— that we are all just worth more. We are worthy of more. Stop living your life with less, you’re worth more.