woman with her hands on her head crying with curtains in the background

How to handle grief and divorce in 3 steps

Hopefully, you’ve read our previous guides on how to make your divorce process smoother and less stressful. We’ve recently written about how to manage social media and the divorce process. We’ve also written on some of the divorce laws of Georgia, including the asset/property division aspect of divorce. We’ve focused on how the law works and how to best manage your relationship with your ex-spouse. 


One thing we haven’t written as much about is YOU


Divorce can be hard and emotional. It can be a rollercoaster! We know this but you might actually be going through it. People compare divorce to death sometimes. The death of a loved one, family, or friend. And that’s true in many ways. You fall in love with a person and then you find yourself at the end of the relationship. You ask yourself how it got to this point or how things have changed. It can be traumatic and full of grief. 

You might be feeling hopeless, maybe like your dreams have been smashed. You might be worried sick about what your family will go through. It’s tough to say exactly what your emotions might be because no one experiences divorce in the same way. What we do know is that many people find a certain hope, comfort, and excitement even in finding themselves after divorce. That’s what we want to talk about today: Moving from grief to your future self. 

The End of a Marriage and Grief

It may take a long time for a person to fully accept the end of their marriage. In good marriages, bad ones, good and bad divorces, the full process of really accepting that phase of your life is over can take time. That’s okay. Everyone moves at their own pace.

Let yourself be vulnerable

Some people might say “Be strong” or “Moving on means forgetting.” Well, we don’t necessarily agree. Going through the process of ending a union is tough and it shows strength on its own.

The fact is, that feeling sad, scared, or lonely is totally understandable and acceptable during and after. You should define your own strength and let yourself handle and heal this emotional situation.

Adjust and Reinvest 

Grief causes physical and mental stress on the body. Adjusting from the stress and negative emotions takes time. Living on your own or in a new situation, managing co-parenting or single parenting, and maybe even getting back out there and finding a new romantic connection. These things matter but no one can tell you how long it’ll be until you find your ‘new normal.’ 

Atlanta Divorce Lawyers

If you’re thinking about divorce and are ready to take the next step we can help you get started. We have helped clients throughout the State of Georgia including in Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb, and Fayette Counties. No matter where in the Atlanta Metro area or Georgia you live we’ll be there for you. Give us a call at (770) 723-7211.