Surviving the Holidays but Ready for Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know

So you went through Christmas. You sat next to someone you didn’t want to sit next to.

You went to parties with someone you didn’t want to go with.

You watched your children open presents because at Thanksgiving or maybe even at Christmas, you said to yourself  “I’m going to stay in this marriage.”

I’m going to give my kids this last Christmas. Well, the holidays are over. Now what?

Did you watch my video on how to not eff up the holidays for your children?

Did you take that advice? Some of you probably did, some of you probably didn’t. Let’s take this time to talk about now that the holidays are over, what are you going to do to walk into this year with the intention of making a better life for yourself and making a better life for your children?

Your kids will be OK.

The first thing that you need to know is that your children are going to be alright.

A lot of times moms or dads sit in a marriage that’s not good for them because they’re scared of how their children are going to react to the divorce. Parents ask themselves “What is their reality going to be like after the divorce?”

At our office, we take the time to make sure that the parenting plan is something that is well thought out on our side and your side, and it’s a collaborative document.

It’s not what we think is good for you. It’s what you think is going to work for you and your children. So part of planning for how you’re going into this year is planned in that parenting plan that will set you and your children up for success.

What is Child Support going to look like?

Child support is also a huge point of concern for many parents. Even with split parenting time in place, child support can still be an issue. When we talk about planning for your future, for yourself, and for your children, we also are going to look at the all of the financials. 

How are you going to be able to afford daycare? How are you going to be able to afford— for a lot of people— the basic necessities? 

We’re here for a comprehensive divorce consultation.

We want you to know that at  The Edwards Law Group, we take all of those things into consideration when we’re helping you come up with your plan for your future.

We’re going to address those concerns with you as well.

Asset division, debt division, and spousal support.

Those are the other three big issues that a lot of times people worry about when they’re thinking about divorce.

Folks worry about—  how am I going to be able to pay my bills?

Folks worry about—  I’ve been the one who’s been working,

saving all my money, saving for my retirement, and now I’m going to have to share it with this other person who’s been sitting on their behind doing nothing. We can take care of  those things for you, too.

I’m not telling you that we can stop them from getting all of the money that you have saved. But at the very least, we can talk to you, and we can help you work through a plan to maximize what you get to keep because of your hard work and how the debts are paid. And, if spousal support is something that you need to be able to live comfortably, we can talk about those things too.

You made it through the holidays. Pick up the phone. Give us a call. Let us help you not live with regret, so that when you hit the holiday season for this year, you’ve taken the steps to make it a much different, a much better holiday future for you and for your children.